Human Rights

Chapter 6:

Status of compliance with the rights of children: analysis from the public function

One of the fundamental aspects of the work of the Children’s Ombudsmen is its function of observing and monitoring the work of the State. In this context, this chapter assesses compliance with the recommendations and requirements made by the Ombudsmen for Children towards different organizations and the different categories of children and adolescents rights; and then provides a general vision of the actions of the State of Chile. This balance is made with information from the Observatory of Rights of the Children’s Ombudsmen and other external documentary sources.

Finally, the performance of three institutions is analyzed in detail, in attention to their role in protecting the rights of children and adolescents during the health crisis: The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Social Development and Family.

As a final reflection, conclusions and recommendations are provided to address and overcome the gaps detected.

Chapter summary video

Chapter 6